FUT Champions Rewards are getting their first upgrade of the year with the addition of the Campaign Mix Pack.
Here we take a look at how these changes are distributed throughout the different ranks you can get in the Weekend League.
What players are available in the Campaign Mixed Player Pack?
The new Campaign Mixed Players Pack will contain players from the following Untradable Promo Capmaigns:
Keep in mind that Centurions Icons will not be a part of this pack.
To see all the players available in the pack you can use this FUT.GG page here.
How many wins in Champs do I need to get the Campaign Mixed Player Pack?
You need at least 11 Wins to get the Campaign Mixed Players Pack in your FUT Champions rewards.
Here is how the reward is added to the roster for each rank:
- Rank V (11 Wins) - 1 Pack
- Rank IV (14 Wins) - 1 Pack
- Rank III (16 Wins) - 2 Packs
- Rank II (18 Wins) - 2 Packs
- Rank I (19+ Wins) - 3 Packs
Rank VI (9 Wins) and below have their rewards completely unchanged.
All other Rewards including Player Picks, Packs, Coins and XP remain the same for all ranks, the only change is the addition of these Untradable Campaign Mixed Player Packs.
When will the new Champs rewards be available in game?
The new Champs rewards will be available in game starting from Friday, November 24th.
As of now there is no indication of if or when these rewards will be changed back to the regular ones or a different set of campaigns.
What are the new Red Champs "Player Pick" Evolutions?
The new Red Pick Evolutions are a set of cosmetic Evolution "skins" that allow you to change the card design of your selected player to one resembling the Red Picks from FUT Champions Rewards of past years.
There are 2 versions of these available: Regular Red Evolution and the Pro Red Evolution.
You can access these evolutions using the Evolutions Tokens received from the Champions PRO objective.
For getting 16 Wins in FUT Champions Finals you can unlock the first, regular Red Pick EVO Token.
For completing the objective and getting 56 Wins in FUT Champions Finals you can unlock the Pro Red Pick EVO.
Since the objective is available for 27 days you will get 4 Weekend Leagues to complete this objective which means you need:
- 4 Wins per Weekend League at least to get the first token
- 14 Wins per Weekend League at least to get the final, Pro token
As of now these are purely cosmetic Evolutions, only changing the shell of your card, with no announced restrictions.
You can preview both Evolutions cards in our Squad Builder by clicking on the top right side of the Card in the Player Window.
We will update this page as more information about the Evo is made available.
That's everything we know so far about the revamped rewards in the FUT Champions Weekend League. Will these new rewards make you try and get a higher rank? Let us know below!